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The good news is, you're on your way to a better smile.

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Emergency Dentures & Implants In Guntersville, AL

We rely on our mouths every day as we eat, speak, laugh, and smile. Our teeth play an essential role in each of these activities. When we begin to lose teeth, these everyday parts of our lives suffer. Missing teeth can make it difficult to speak clearly or enjoy your favorite foods. Missing teeth can also negatively impact your confidence, forcing you to hide your smile from others.

Dentures are the best way to regain your confidence. Dentures also allow you to communicate clearly and continue to enjoy your favorite foods. With advancements in dental care technology, dentures are more durable and natural-looking than ever before. Having complete control over the style and budget of your dentures ensures you are completely satisfied with the decision you've made.

If you're ready to see how dentures can improve your life, Emergency Dental Service can help. All you have to do is call us at 1-888-351-1473. We will match you with the best possible dental provider in the Guntersville area.

Quick & Convenient Services In Guntersville, AL

When working with us, you can expect quick, convenient, and professional services. Our dental providers are empathetic to how difficult it can be trying to navigate life when missing some or all of your teeth. Our providers will take the time to explain all of your options to ensure you are confident with your denture selection.

Our experienced dentists will help you find the best denture options that fit your lifestyle needs and budget.

Tailored to Your Needs

Dentures are available in a wide range of options to fit your unique needs. When you meet with your dental provider, you'll be able to learn more about all the different options available to you. Together you'll determine what level of durability you need, as well as how to ensure the perfect match for a natural look.

Denture Realignment, Adjustments, and Repair In Guntersville, AL

No matter which style of dentures you select, you are still making a long-term investment. This is why regular care is vital to the health of your dentures. Even with proper care, your dentures are naturally prone to issues over time caused by wear and tear. It is important to continue meeting with your dental provider to ensure your dentures continue to fit and function as they should. You may need adjustments, realignments, or repairs that are a normal part of denture care.

Find The Right Denture Solution Near You

Various Types of Denture Options to Fit Your Specific Dental Needs



These dentures are designed with maximum durability in mind. They come in a wide variety of shades to help achieve a close color match to your natural teeth.



These dentures are made to last and hold up well. Their strength may just be the perfect choice for you. They also come in multiple colors to match your gums and teeth.



These dentures are made for everyday wear.



Strong and reliable, these dentures are also designed to be affordable.


Flexilytes Combo®

These dentures are strong and secure thanks to a metal frame that stabilizes them. They are also made to resemble the appearance of your own gum tissue.


Cast Partial

These dentures are designed to last. They also come with many options for personalization so that you can create a look that is true to the color of your teeth and gums.



These dentures look completely believable and realistic. They will fit in your along with other teeth and your gums beautifully.

Denture Before And After

Denture FAQ's

Q: How long will I need to wait for my dentures?

A: We understand the desire to get back to normalcy as quickly as possible. The time it takes to be fitted may vary due to your unique needs and the type of dentures you select. You'll start with a consultation appointment where you discuss your options with your provider. Your dental professional will then need a mold of your existing teeth and gums to ensure a proper fit. For most patients, your dentures are available within the first few appointments.

Q: Are dentures expensive?

A: The overall cost will largely depend on the type of dentures you select. Most dentures range from $1,000 to $1,500 for full denture sets. Your out-of-pocket cost may change depending on your insurance coverage as well.

Q: Can I still eat steak?

A: A lot of people fear that dentures are designed more for appearance than function. This couldn't be further from the truth. Dentures are designed to withstand significant wear and tear. When it comes to enjoying your favorite foods, this will depend on the type of dentures you select. Certain dentures are designed to handle more significant use, such as enjoying a good steak from time to time.

Q: Can my dentures stain?

A: It is helpful to think of your dentures the same way as your natural teeth. Certain things, such as coffee, soda, or smoking can cause your dentures to stain over time. This is why proper care is so vital. You should try to avoid foods, beverages, or unhealthy habits that can affect the quality of your dentures. You'll also want to make sure you are adhering to a regular schedule of brushing and flossing, just as you would for your natural teeth.