Your dental health can play a significant role in your sense of confidence. Not only that, but your teeth have a vital role to play when it comes to everyday activities, such as eating or drinking. If you are missing your teeth, you may have noticed a change in your clarity of speech. You may also find yourself changing your diet to softer foods. Missing teeth can also cause you to hold back in social situations, causing you to hide your genuine smile. If you are experiencing any of these issues, dentures can offer the perfect solution.
Dentures provide the ability to restore both the natural appearance and function of your teeth. Dentures are available in partial or full options to accommodate your current needs. With dentures, you'll be able to speak clearly, enjoy your favorite foods, and smile with confidence once again. With advancements in technology, dentures look more natural than ever and have high levels of durability for long-term wear.
If you are ready to see what dentures can do for you, Emergency Dental Service can help. We can match you with the best possible dental provider in the Helena area. Just give us a call at 1-888-351-1473. We will help you schedule your initial appointment with a highly experienced dental professional.
When you work with Emergency Dental Service, you'll have peace of mind knowing you'll be meeting with a qualified dental professional in your area. Our dental providers understand how difficult life with missing teeth can be. We also understand the several benefits that dentures can provide. Your dentist will work with you to determine your current dental health and discuss your denture options, taking into consideration what is best for your needs, lifestyle, and budget.
You can expect an experience tailored to your needs when you meet with your dental provider. Our dental providers understand that everyone's needs are different. When it comes to selecting the best set of dentures, there is no one-size-fits-all. Your dentist will help you explore all your options, giving you a clear understanding of different procedures, styles, durability, and appearance. Your dentist will ensure that you are making the best-informed decision possible to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Your dental provider will be there for more than just your denture selection and placement. Your dentures are a major investment. You want to protect that investment through regular dental care as well as checkups with your dentist. Dentures are designed to be durable and to last for years, but they are still susceptible to damages caused by accidents or through natural wear and tear. It is common to need your dentist to provide realignment, repairs, or adjustments throughout the life of your dentures.
These dentures are designed with maximum durability in mind. They come in a wide variety of shades to help achieve a close color match to your natural teeth.
These dentures are made to last and hold up well. Their strength may just be the perfect choice for you. They also come in multiple colors to match your gums and teeth.
These dentures are made for everyday wear.
Strong and reliable, these dentures are also designed to be affordable.
A: It is natural to be concerned about the cost of dentures since it is an investment. The final cost of your dentures can depend on a variety of factors, such as any necessary procedures and the type of dentures you select. On average most individuals pay between $1,000 and $1,500 for a full set of dentures. Your type of insurance coverage can also factor into your final costs.
A: Your dentist will explain to you the best way to care for your specific set of dentures. In general, you'll treat your dentures as you would your natural teeth. This includes regular brushing and flossing to prevent staining, tartar, and plaque. You may need to use specific products, such as swapping out regular toothpaste for denture-specific products. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your dentist.
A: Dentures are designed to provide reliable durability for everyday use. Depending on your level of wear and tear, and your commitment to regular care, your dentures should last anywhere from 8-10 years. Normally, during this period you may need work done such as repairs or realignments.
A: Your dentures should fit comfortably. If you are experiencing pain, you may be having an issue with the alignment of your dentures. Dentures are custom molded to your teeth, so you should always feel comfortable wearing them. It is important to meet with your dentist if you are experiencing consistent pain or discomfort.