Quality and natural dentures can give you a self-confidence boost if you've suffered a loss of your teeth. Whether you've lost some or all of your teeth, it can impact many aspects of your life, such as eating easily and speaking clearly, and it can make you want to hide your smile or your laugh. Dentures could be the answer to regaining your confidence and being able to function more naturally.
Professional and affordable dentures could help you get back to a normal state of being. Thanks to improvements in denture technology, they have become more and more realistic over the years, allowing the creation of more affordable dentures that look and behave like your natural teeth. To reclaim the ease of life in eating, smiling, and talking, contact Emergency Dental Service.
Just give us a call at 1-888-351-1473 any time, and our qualified representatives can help you. We'll find you a competent and convenient dentist near you and schedule you an appointment as soon as is convenient to you.
If you're looking for a caring and qualified professional, our network dentists provide a wide array of denture services. Emergency Dental Service can help you find an experienced dentist with denture solutions in full and partial denture sets at affordable prices.
Our dentists can help you with finding the perfect dentures to fit your budget and lifestyle at an office location accessible to you.
There is a wide range of dentures, with styles and types that vary in security, affordability, customization, and durability. A dental professional can walk you through your options, so you can find the perfect dentures for your needs and price range. By allowing a qualified dentist to help you find a denture set that better fits your needs, you can be sure that you will continue feeling confident in your choice.
Dentures, though more affordable now than they've been previously, are still costly, so it's important to be sure they are well cared for. They need cleaning and care like your natural teeth, because both go through wear and tear from daily use. As you use your dentures, they are likely going to need the attention of a dental professional. Your dentures may require professional cleaning, realignment, readjustment, or even repair or replacement. Your expert dentist can help you with the entire procedure of dentures. They can assist you with understanding the various denture options available to you, get you set up with the ideal dentures, and can continue care with upkeep and repair. You can rest easy knowing the dental offices of Emergency Dental Service will be able to care for you and your dentures at every stage.
These dentures are designed with maximum durability in mind. They come in a wide variety of shades to help achieve a close color match to your natural teeth.
These dentures are made to last and hold up well. Their strength may just be the perfect choice for you. They also come in multiple colors to match your gums and teeth.
These dentures are made for everyday wear.
Strong and reliable, these dentures are also designed to be affordable.
A: On average, dentures last anywhere from 8-10 years. The true amount of time that they will last is heavily dependent on the amount of care they receive. While they are replacements for natural teeth, they still should be treated with the same level of care. The amount of daily use they get will also play into their lifespan, as dentures that are subjected to more wear and tear will need to be replaced sooner.
A: You can, and it's highly recommended that you remove your dentures daily. During the day, food can get stuck in your mouth or your dentures. Removing your dentures at night to clean them is essential. You can give your gums a rest at night, and you can help to prevent any unwanted bacteria growth from happening by consistently removing and cleaning your dentures.
A: The actual amount of time for dentures to settle can vary drastically from person to person. While it can take some people's gums a matter of weeks to adjust, others can take upwards of a few months. It's important to allow time for your mouth to get used to the new dentures, so it's a good idea to slowly ease into things in the beginning. If you have consistent pain though, you should check back in with your dentist.
A: If you have a full set of dentures, you do not have to worry about chewing gum. Dentures do not get cavities, so feel free to chew away. If you have a set of partial dentures though, you should be careful while chewing gum. While your dentures may not sustain any damage, your natural teeth adjacent to them are very susceptible. The sugars from the gum will be directed to your natural teeth, so be sure to properly brush and floss the teeth next to your dentures.