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Emergency Dentures & Implants In Northport, AL

Dentures can transform the life of a person struggling with tooth loss. We don't often give a second thought to what all our teeth do for us daily. Our teeth provide structure to our faces and allow us to laugh and smile with confidence. Our teeth also play a vital role in the foods that we can enjoy. When serious tooth loss happens, a person may have to adjust their diet to accommodate their new restrictions. Our teeth also help us to form our words clearly. Missing teeth can make it more difficult to pronounce certain words, which can make a person feel self-conscious.

Dentures help individuals overcome the issues that can be caused by missing teeth. Dentures provide support to existing teeth. Dentures are designed to be highly durable, allowing a person to continue to enjoy a variety of foods. Dentures are also available in a variety of shades and textures to ensure a perfect, natural match for you.

If you are ready to overcome the restrictions that can be caused by missing teeth, Emergency Dental Service can help. We work with the best dental professionals in the Northport, AL area. All you have to do is give us a call at 1-888-351-1473. We will help you find the best cosmetic dentist in your area.

Quick & Convenient Services In Northport, AL

We make it easy to find the best cosmetic dental provider in the Northport area. Emergency Dental Service ensures that you can expect to meet with a qualified professional for necessary services that are both professional and affordable. You'll be able to discuss your denture questions and concerns with ease.

Working with our dental providers ensures you will find the perfect denture options for your budget and needs.

Tailored to Your Needs

Choosing the right dentures is a unique experience for every individual. There are numerous options to choose from when it comes to permanence, durability, flexibility, and customization. Your dental provider will take the time to carefully explain all the options that would work best for you. This helps to ensure that you will be completely satisfied with your final selection.

Denture Repairs, Adjustments, and Realignments In Northport, AL

It is normal to require some upkeep during the life of your dentures. Your dental provider is committed to providing ongoing services to ensure you get the most out of your dentures. Your dentist will help guide you through selection, placement, and upkeep. It is completely normal to need adjustments, realignments, or repairs over the lifespan of your dentures. Proper care can help minimize these issues. It is beneficial to clean your dentures consistently, as well as visit your dental provider for regular exams to ensure everything continues to look great.

Find The Right Denture Solution Near You

Various Types of Denture Options to Fit Your Unique Dental Needs



These dentures are designed with maximum durability in mind. They come in a wide variety of shades to help achieve a close color match to your natural teeth.



These dentures are made to last and hold up well. Their strength may just be the perfect choice for you. They also come in multiple colors to match your gums and teeth.



These dentures are made for everyday wear.



Strong and reliable, these dentures are also designed to be affordable.


Flexilytes Combo®

These dentures are strong and secure thanks to a metal frame that stabilizes them. They are also made to resemble the appearance of your own gum tissue.


Cast Partial

These dentures are designed to last. They also come with many options for personalization so that you can create a look that is true to the color of your teeth and gums.



These dentures look completely believable and realistic. They will fit in your along with other teeth and your gums beautifully.

Denture Before And After

Denture FAQ's

Q: When will I need to replace my dentures?

A: It is normal to need regular upkeep work performed throughout the life of your dentures. Dentures can become damaged or shift which can cause discomfort or a lack in performance. This is completely expected due to the level of wear and tear that dentures face. When it comes to full replacement, most users find their dentures are good for 8-10 years. This will depend on the type of dentures you have and your level of wear and tear.

Q: How do I clean my dentures?

A: Your dentist will always explain the right care procedures for your specific type of dentures. In general, you will typically be advised to treat them as you would your natural teeth. This includes regular brushing and flossing to prevent staining, tartar, and plaque buildup.

Q: What are full dentures?

A: Full dentures refer to dentures that completely replace the upper or lower arches of your teeth. This means that you no longer have any of your natural teeth. Full dentures can be held in place with an adhesive, or implanted using a few different techniques.

Q: Will dentures look fake?

A: You'll be amazed at how real dentures look. Dentures are designed to flawlessly match existing teeth or gums. This includes using different shading to create natural flaws and using visible fibers that mimic the details of the gums. Dentures are available in a variety of shades and textures to create a natural look. You won't have to worry that others can tell you are wearing dentures.