Deciding to get dentures is a major decision. Many don't realize the numerous benefits dentures can provide beyond the way they can change your appearance. Dentures do much more than visually replace your natural teeth; they also perform the various tasks and functions that teeth normally do. Dentures can help you once again enjoy foods that are chewy or crunchy and can also provide the structure you need to pronounce things more clearly.
If you find yourself making sacrifices, or holding back due to missing teeth, dentures can provide a strong sense of confidence regarding the appearance and function of your teeth. Dentures are designed across a wide range of options to ensure both affordability and customization are available to you.
Exploring your denture options is a breeze when working with the right dental provider. Emergency Dental Service can match you with the best cosmetic dentists in the Opelika, AL area. To get started, pick up your phone and call us at 1-888-351-1473. We will help you secure an appointment with a quality provider in your area.
Emergency Dental Service strives to ensure our patients are matched with quality providers to make exploring the denture process easy. Your dental provider will provide exceptional services for a rate you can afford. You'll be able to learn more about your different options, as well as discuss the overall plan regarding selection, placement, and upkeep.
You'll have peace of mind knowing you are working with the most experienced professional in Opelika, AL.
Everyone's dental health is unique. That is why it is so important to work with a qualified professional who knows to put your needs first. Dentures are a major investment, so you want to make sure you are choosing the right style, durability, and flexibility for your needs. Your dental provider will work with you every step of the way to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Proper care is essential when it comes to getting the most out of your dentures. This involves taking care of your teeth when it comes to brushing and flossing, as well as avoiding foods and beverages that can be harmful. This also includes meeting with your dental provider for follow-up exams. It is normal that the high levels of wear and tear can require necessary work, such as realignments, adjustments, or repairs. Your dental provider will provide the upkeep you need to continue to be happy with the function of your dentures.
Multiple Dentists Available
2015 Interstate Drive, Opelika, AL 36801
These dentures are designed with maximum durability in mind. They come in a wide variety of shades to help achieve a close color match to your natural teeth.
These dentures are made to last and hold up well. Their strength may just be the perfect choice for you. They also come in multiple colors to match your gums and teeth.
These dentures are made for everyday wear.
Strong and reliable, these dentures are also designed to be affordable.
A: You'll have several decisions to make when it comes to picking out your dentures, including the type. You can choose dental implants or dentures that are held in place with a special adhesive. This option is ideal for those who want to be able to remove their dentures daily or aren't interested in the in-depth procedures involved in prepping for dental implants. Denture adhesives are designed to provide a lasting hold. The adhesive is placed along the bottom of the dentures and secured to the gums.
A: Proper care is essential for keeping your dentures in a quality condition for their lifespan. Proper care involves brushing and flossing to prevent staining or plaque buildup that can affect your teeth. You should also meet with your dental provider on a regular schedule for standard examinations and to ensure your dentures are fitting and functioning as they should. Your dental provider will explain in detail the proper care your specific dentures may need.
A: Dentures are available in a wide range of options to fit your unique needs, including your budget. Your dental provider will work with you to explore the available options that meet what you want as well as what you can afford. It is beneficial to explore what coverage you may get through your insurance provider.
A: Dentures are a common option for those who don't want to settle for a daily life without the beneficial use of their teeth. Over 20 million people across the U.S. use dentures, either full or partial. Modern dentures are discreet, providing a natural look that is very difficult to detect.