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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Brooklyn, NY

One of the most problematic aspects of dental emergencies is that they can occur at any moment, including on the weekend. You might have had a rough week at work with little downtime, only to take a break on Saturday and chip a tooth while eating. As frustrating as this is, you have options to resolve this problem. A weekend emergency dentist can treat your situation before it gets out of hand.

At Williamsburg Dental Works, we are a dental office open on Saturday and Sunday. That means if you sustain a dental emergency over the weekend, you can come in and have it resolved quickly. No matter if it’s a more minor issue like a chipped tooth or a severe toothache that will not go away, we have the skills and tools necessary to relieve your pain.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

Common Dental Emergencies We Can Treat at Williamsburg Dental Works

If you’re just looking to relax or run some errands over the weekend in Brooklyn, NY, you should always know where you can find an emergency dentist open on Saturday or Sunday. Dental emergencies can happen without warning, even if you’re just going about your weekend. There are several types of dental emergencies we know how to treat, and the second you realize you’ve sustained one, we encourage you to come see us.

Some of the most common emergencies dentists treat on Saturdays and Sundays include:

  • Tooth trauma. This can include a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth, trauma to the jaw or tooth, and other injuries to your teeth. Injuries can cause your teeth to loosen up, which could result in a tooth falling out entirely. To prevent infection and additional injury, it is advised you seek a weekend dentist immediately if you’ve suffered trauma to your tooth or jaw.
  • Toothache. Toothaches might seem minor and be nothing to worry about in the long term, but they can be an indication of something more serious. Toothaches usually mean there are problems in the gums or roots of your teeth, such as decay or infections. While rinsing your mouth with cold or hot water may help calm the area down, as well as taking over-the-counter pain medications, these are only temporary solutions. If you have a severe toothache over the weekend, find a dentist open on Saturday and Sunday immediately.
  • Knocked-out tooth. Also called an avulsed tooth, this occurs when you get involved in a physical accident, like a car accident or sports injury, and your tooth completely falls out. If this happens, you should seek a Saturday or Sunday dentist right away. If you still have your tooth, rinse it gently in salt water to get rid of any debris. In some cases, we can save your tooth and re-fix it to the socket. The longer you wait to have this problem fixed, the more your odds increase of getting an infection or experiencing prolonged pain.
  • Abscessed tooth. An abscess occurs when there is a small area in your tooth’s root or the space between your teeth where an infection forms. The area can then start swelling and filling up with pus. This is not only painful, but it can spread to other areas of your mouth, as well. To prevent damage to your jawbone and gums, seek a weekend dentist if you notice an abscessed tooth.
  • Broken restorations. Restorations such as fillings, crowns, and bridges can fall out of your mouth for many different reasons. It could be because they’re old and aren’t as strong, or you may have taken a hit to your mouth and had one pop out. These fixtures are meant to protect teeth that needed dental work done in the past, and you don’t want to damage these teeth further. If a restoration breaks over the weekend, a weekend dental emergency service can help repair your restoration.
  • Root canals. Root canals are meant to restore the connection between the tooth and its root, as you can experience massive pain if this connection is broken. Root canals are complex procedures, yet necessary to protect your oral health. Weekend dentists like us can perform root canals so you don’t have to deal with excruciating pain any longer.
Weekend Dentist Open Saturday In Brooklyn, NY

There are other dental emergencies to watch for such as bleeding gums or tissue injuries, and we can identify the source of your issue and treat it accordingly. You might be tempted to wait until you visit your regular dentist in a couple of months, but if you have an emergency, you should seek a dentist with Saturday hours.

Why Go to a Weekend Dentist Near Me?

Some individuals have a dentist they visit twice a year, and if they have a minor issue such as a cavity, they may just wait until their regular appointment to address it. However, some of these people may also do the same for bleeding gums that won’t stop. This is considered an emergency, and if you have a dental emergency, you should never wait and try to tough out the situation. For this reason, we are weekend dentists who open our offices to the public.

When you have a dental emergency like a cracked tooth, you risk developing an infection, and the area can become damaged further if you don’t have it looked at. Dentists open on Saturdays and Sundays can check your mouth for problems and have them resolved the day of. While there may be cases where you’ll need to come back at a future date, this isn’t common, as most weekend dentists have the materials needed to treat your condition the day you go in.

Williamsburg Dental Works based in Brooklyn, NY is proud to provide our community with emergency dental services on the weekends. No matter what caused your emergency, we’ll be ready to answer your call, listen to your concerns, and get you into our office as soon as possible. Prolonging dental treatment for an emergency is never a wise decision, as you should visit a weekend dentist instead.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

We advise people to visit a dentist office open on Saturday and Sunday if they have a dental emergency, but you may wonder if your case is actually considered an emergency. The best way to know if you have an emergency is if you start struggling with basic activities or if you have severe pain that won’t calm down.

For example, we use our mouths to eat, drink, and speak. If a cracked tooth has made it nearly impossible to eat and if drinking water has become a chore, this counts as an emergency. If you have a toothache that has appeared out of nowhere and is causing significant pain, you shouldn’t try to persevere. Instead, let a weekend dentist find the cause of the toothache and treat it so you can get back to your normal life.

How Do Normal Dentists Differ From Weekend Dentists?

It’s common to think that weekend dentists perform different tasks compared to your usual dentist, but the two types of dentists are fairly similar.

The main difference is that weekend dentists mainly help individuals who suffer dental emergencies, whereas normal dentists are open throughout the week and mainly help people with regular cleanings. Dentists open on Saturdays and Sundays have the equipment needed to fix severe problems on the day of the problem, while regular dentists are more focused on seeing patients at regular intervals to monitor their oral health.

Dental Office Open On Saturday In Brooklyn, NY

Weekend dentists aim to relieve your pain and fix your issue as soon as possible, and because weekend dentists’ schedules are generally less busy, you don’t have to wait to be seen. They’re prepared to help those on short notice, so if you’re suffering from immense pain due to an avulsed tooth or abscess, they can assist you faster than a standard dentist would.

Why Some Dentists Open on Saturday and Sundays and Others Don’t

Many dentists in the United States open up their own private practices and are technically considered business owners. Because of this, they can hire additional staff and hygienists to form a roster of employees. They all then serve their local community with various dental work, and because they aren’t restricted to a hospital’s rules or anything similar, they can set their hours to whatever they’d like.

Most dentist offices are open only from Monday through Friday. This is so employees get time to rest and do other activities or errands on the weekend. Some dentists wish they could help patients every day, but this simply isn’t possible due to how businesses operate. Some dental offices don’t have enough staff to work on weekends, or they may not have the financial means to stay open during the weekend.

However, some dentists do open on Saturday and Sunday, as they specifically help people with dental emergencies so their problems don’t become worse. These dental offices are either open solely on weekends, or they have select staff open on weekends to resolve emergencies.

How Your Weekend Dental Appointment Will Look

Once you’ve decided to visit a weekend dentist, you can contact Emergency Dental Service and have them connect you to our team at Williamsburg Dental Works. While your appointment will look fairly similar to a standard dentist’s visit, there are a few key differences.

First, you won’t have to wait as long to be seen, as not as many people are waiting for dental work compared to a weekday. Once you’ve checked in, the dentist will call you back to have your situation examined. If you’ve already specified your situation over the phone, they will have the tools needed to go ahead and begin work, so your examination may not be as lengthy. If the dentist knows what your problem is without needing to do a full check, such as a cracked tooth, they can avoid doing X-rays and other similar processes.

The weekend emergency dentist can then make a professional decision on what to do next. Their decision is based on a few criteria. If your condition is severe, they may need to have you come back at a later time. However, if this is what they decide, they’ll give you a temporary solution to hold you over until a later date. For instance, if you have a toothache that requires a more in-depth surgery, they may give you a specific pain medication that can calm down the pain. If your condition isn’t as severe but still serious, they can provide you with a permanent solution that same day.

Also, the dentist must consider how they will treat you. If you have a broken filling and cannot simply have it re-fixed, they need to make a new one, which could take time. Like with pain medications, they can give you a temporary solution while they create a new filling for you. No matter what happens, weekend dentists will work quickly and accurately to find a solution for you, as they understand how serious your situation is.

Find a Weekend Dentist With Emergency Dental Service

The best way to have your dental emergency treated on the weekend is to contact Emergency Dental Service. You can explain your situation, and they can then put you through to us. Our team is available 24/7, so if your problem arises over the weekend, regardless of the time of day, we can hear your concerns and get you into our office as soon as possible. If you don’t take the time to find a dentist open on weekends, your condition could become much worse and more difficult to treat.

Dealing with severe dental issues is already a complicated scenario to find yourself in. Instead, visit Emergency Dental Service’s website containing a list of weekend dentists in your area. For residents in Brooklyn, NY, you can come to visit our team at Williamsburg Dental Works and have your emergency resolved. Call EDS at 1-833-624-1382 to speak with a member of their contact team who can get you scheduled for an appointment at your earliest convenience.