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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Charlotte, NC

Dental emergency situations can be painful, scary, and overwhelming. As they cannot be predicted when they take place, it can be even scarier when an emergency happens over the weekend when many offices are closed. If you experience a dental emergency on a weekend, don’t wait until the start of a new week to seek treatment. When this happens, you need a weekend emergency dentist to provide the services you need.

The Emergency Dental Service team exists to assist you in your emergency. When you need to find dentist offices open on Saturday or Sunday quickly, they will help you seek a dentist who offers the services you need near you. For dental injuries that cannot wait, act quickly by contacting the Emergency Dental Service team to help you find the right dentist for you.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

The Definition of a Dental Emergency

A dental emergency is considered any oral problem that could endanger your life if it is not treated right away. Some dental emergencies include constant bleeding, a bad infection, or a severe toothache. These issues need a dentist’s attention as soon as possible.

There are several other dental issues that may be considered an emergency as well, such as:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding from being hit in the face or another health issue
  • Infection of soft tissue, resulting in the person having trouble breathing normally
  • An injury of the face where bones were damaged, causing difficulty breathing
  • Tooth pain due to decay
  • Pain from wisdom teeth
  • Infection that results in abscesses or swelling
  • Chipped, fractured, or broken teeth or lost fillings
  • A permanent tooth that has become loose
  • Severe pain after having a dental surgery or procedure

Dental Issues That Are Probably Not Dental Emergencies

Particular dental issues may be considered a dental emergency, but some symptoms that you are experiencing may feel like an emergency but are not actually emergencies. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you are likely not having a dental emergency:

  • Tooth pain that is dull
  • Things that are stuck in the teeth
  • Tiny chips in a tooth
  • A minor cut in the lip or mouth

Handling Dental Emergencies

There are many common dental emergencies, but even if they are common, they can still be scary to experience. If you have a common dental emergency, it is important to seek dental treatment. However, there are some things you can do to handle it in the meantime.

Tooth Pain

Toothaches are not always a sign of a serious dental issue. But if you are experiencing severe tooth pain, the cause may be a reason to seek emergency dental care. Some of these causes are decay, inflammation, infection, gum disease, or a small object lodged in between the teeth.

Before seeking treatment, you can try flossing to see if removing food or other objects will ease the pain temporarily. Gargling with warm salt water can also help, as can taking a pain reliever or having a cold compress pressed to the cheek, which can help with swelling. While you are waiting to have your weekend dental emergency treated, these steps can help alleviate some of the pain.

Tooth Trauma

Trauma of the teeth usually means that a tooth has been lost, chipped, cracked, or broken as a result of a blow to the mouth or face or some other kind of accident.

When an adult tooth has been dislodged, find the tooth if possible, making sure to hold it by the crown rather than from the root. Don’t wash the tooth as this could cause further damage, but rather, try to place the tooth back into your mouth into the socket. If you cannot place the tooth back in your mouth, then make sure to keep it in some sort of solution, whether it is milk, saliva, or an emergency tooth preservation solution. Do not put the tooth in water.

It is really important to seek an emergency dentist as soon as possible, as every minute counts when securing a tooth back into place. When a child’s tooth has been knocked out, do not try to place it back in the socket because the adult tooth is underneath the gums.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

A broken or chipped tooth will not always result in a dental emergency. However, if it is not repaired in a timely manner, an infection can occur. It can also prevent further damage or decay to that tooth. When you have a chipped or broken tooth, be sure to rinse your mouth with saltwater. Then, the tooth was checked to examine the damage.

If you can, find the broken or chipped pieces of the tooth. In the event that the tooth has been broken due to a blow to the face, use a cold compress to help with any swelling or pain. Bring the pieces of the tooth to the dentist as quickly as you can for treatment.

Cut on the Tongue, Cheek, or Lip

When your tongue, cheek, or lip has been cut, there may be a surprising amount of blood. This does not necessarily mean that you have a dental emergency, as these areas have a lot of blood vessels. However, it is still important to attend to the injury. If you discover that the cut is deep or if your lip has been punctured, find an emergency dentist for treatment as soon as you can.

To help with the bleeding, gently wash the area, placing pressure firmly on that area. Rinsing with salt water or hydrogen peroxide is a way to disinfect and keep it clean. If doing these things still does not stop the bleeding, then you will need to go to an emergency dentist for treatment.

Dental Offices Open On Saturday

Visiting an Emergency Dentist Instead of the Emergency Room

The medical staff in the emergency room is well-trained to handle almost any kind of injury. However, they are not extremely experienced in dental emergency care. They can help stop consistent bleeding, give pain medications to alleviate pain and give antibiotics if needed. However, the staff in the emergency room cannot repair a tooth that has been damaged, fill a cavity, or replace a broken crown.

A dentist, of course, is well-trained in oral emergency care and can better assess the problem, diagnose the root cause, and take the next steps to treat the problem. Keep in mind that even if you do go to the emergency room due to a dental emergency, you will likely be told to follow up with a dentist.

When an Emergency Dentist Visit in Charlotte, NC Is Necessary

Many dental problems require a visit to the dentist sooner rather than later. These dental emergencies that need treatment immediately are included below:

After getting a cavity filled: Having a cavity filled can cause changes to the mouth after the anesthesia has worn off. If you notice strange changes, see a dentist as soon as you can, as there may have been problems that have developed after the procedure.

A broken tooth: If a tooth has been broken, issues can result from the sharp ridges of the damaged tooth. Other issues may develop, such as infection, if not quickly treated.

Root canal procedures: Root canals may be necessary to repair seriously decayed teeth or a severe infection. An emergency root canal can sometimes be needed at inopportune times, such as over the weekend. Complications from this procedure can occur, and if so, you will need to follow up with a dentist to treat any other underlying issues.

Wisdom teeth: In most cases, wisdom teeth are removed when a dentist feels it is necessary. They will then schedule that removal. But, if you suddenly experience severe pain in the wisdom teeth, then you will need to seek treatment with a dentist.

Gums that are swollen: Swollen gums may be a sign of an underlying problem like an infection of the gums or even disease of the gums. Before more health issues arise, it is important to get dental care for swollen gums.

What An Emergency Visit With a Weekend Dentist Looks Like in Charlotte, NC

An emergency visit with a weekend dentist will not look that much different from a scheduled appointment during the week. You will notice that you will have a shorter wait time to see the dentist as this visit is more urgent.

The dentist will first look at your teeth to assess the situation, asking questions regarding your current pain level and if anything led to the dental issue. They then may take X-rays to discover any underlying issues. The dentist will then determine what kind of treatment to use for your circumstances.

Even after a dentist examines you, they may not immediately know the cause of the problem as it may not have become noticeable yet. In this instance, the dentist will offer a temporary fix until you can schedule a follow-up appointment. Know that even if the dentist can not fully resolve the problem on the initial visit, they will help ease your pain, doing all that they can to help you in your dental emergency.

Higher Costs for Emergency Dental Work Done

Emergency services are usually more expensive due to the need for easy access and a fast response time. When the need for emergency dental services arises over the weekend, you will most likely pay a higher amount than if you were to have the work done during regular office hours on weekdays. Even though there is a higher cost for emergencies, this service is necessary and needed to protect your teeth.

When dental care is needed on the weekend, the increased cost can be due to necessary specialized treatment. Specialty treatments require more equipment. Additional procedures may also be needed as well. Also, as this is urgent care, if you are being treated on the weekend, costs will increase. Going to a weekend dentist is more costly due to the fact that their hours offer more accessibility to their patients.

Even though the expense of an emergency dental visit is not ideal, and you may wish to avoid it by waiting to go to the dentist during the week, having immediate treatment is important and necessary. Also, you will likely have the opportunity to choose a payment plan to pay the bill over monthly installments. Don’t let the higher cost of emergency care keep you from receiving the treatment you need.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

Emergencies are unpredictable and can happen in an instant. Even when you work very hard to prevent injuries, it is not possible to completely avoid them from happening. However, you can still take preventative measures so that dental injuries and emergencies are less likely to occur. If you play a sport, wear protective mouth gear to keep your mouth safe. When in the car, wear a seatbelt to protect yourself in the event of an accident. Prevent accidents in your home by keeping it clutter-free and as clean as possible.

Flossing daily and brushing your teeth at least twice a day is another way to keep your mouth clean and healthy. To ensure that your teeth don’t crack, do not eat hard food or open hard objects. When a dental emergency does happen, find an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

How To Find a Dentist Near Me Open on a Saturday or Sunday

Having a toothache over the weekend can cause a lot of suffering if you are in serious pain. If you have intense pain and need to find an emergency dentist that is open near you, that can cause additional stress. Emergency Dental Service representatives are here to assist you in finding an emergency dentist open on weekends that provide the services you need.

 Weekend Emergency Dentist

Getting an Appointment With a Weekend Dentist in Charlotte, NC

If you need assistance finding a weekend dentist that offers emergency dental services in your area, the Emergency Dental Service team is here to help you. The Emergency Dental Service will also help you get an appointment during any day of the week.

You can use the online listing as a way to book an appointment for immediate treatment. Or, if you would prefer to call, dial 1-833-624-1382 to speak with a representative who will help you find the right dentist for you.