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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Issaquah, WA

If you experience a dental emergency on a weekend, don’t start to stress about finding a dentist. Here at Emergency Dental Services, we are devoted to helping patients who experience a sudden dental problem find services in their area. We provide patients with dental emergencies with an online database of dentists in their area and let you call us for personalized help and guidance from a professional. If you are in Issaquah, WA, and need immediate help from a dentist, get on the phone with us and we can have you in a chair as soon as possible. We also have an online database where you can put in your location and find the nearest weekend dentist who can provide immediate help.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

What Are Dental Emergencies?

If you experience any sort of unexpected pain in your teeth and gums or are in an accident that hurts or damages your teeth or gums, you need to seek help from a dentist right away. These can be signs of serious dental emergencies that can be signs of infections or other serious issues. For instance, common dental emergencies that you might encounter include:

  • Dental Abscesses: If you experience painful swelling in your mouth and you notice pus around your gum, this is a sign of an infection. This infection could be occurring at the root of your tooth or your surrounding tissues, but it can quickly spread to other areas and cause serious health conditions. You should seek help from an experienced dentist right away, as even a few days' delay can cause an infection.
  • Swollen Jaw: If your jaw is swollen or inflamed, then you might have a serious dental issue, such as an infection or an impacted wisdom tooth. This can cause serious pain and long-term damage. To make sure that you address this issue before it gets any worse, you should contact an urgent care dentist to diagnose the problem and prescribe you any medications or antibiotics.
  • Tooth Fractures: If you experience a break in your tooth, then your tooth’s inner layers will become exposed to bacteria, making you even more susceptible to infection. In order to protect your tooth’s structural integrity, you need to get in contact with an emergency care dentist right away.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: If you have a cut or a laceration in your oral soft tissue, meaning your tongue, inner cheeks, or lips, you might think that it is no big deal. However, this trauma in your mouth can actually cause severe discomfort and long-term damage, so it is vital that you seek emergency dental care to address the issue.
  • Dislodged Orthodontic Appliances: If you have orthodontic appliances such as braces, you might find that one of the wires becomes loose or displaced. Not only can this be uncomfortable for you to live with, but it can also cause damage to your mouth, like cuts to your soft tissue. It is important that you seek emergency dental support for orthodontic issues, even if it is a weekend day.
  • Cracked Teeth: If you are injured in an accident or a fight, or even if you bite too hard on something, you might end up with a cracked or broken tooth. This can leave your tooth exposed to bacteria and change the aesthetic look of your smile. To address this issue quickly and to prevent further problems with your smile, you should contact an emergency dentist.

What Should You Do After You Have a Dental Emergency?

As soon as you feel the signs of any of the above dental emergencies, you need to get medical help. Ignoring the signs and symptoms of one of the issues can only make them worse. Perhaps you are already working with your dentist on attending to dental issues, but then you experience one of these emergencies. You call your dentist, but they do not pick up because it is a weekend. You should not ignore the problem and wait until your dentist is back in their office; instead, you should seek medical attention from a weekend emergency dentist.

Why Do You Need To See a Weekend Emergency Dentist?

If you have an emergency dental situation happen to you on a Saturday or a Sunday, you might be thinking that you can wait a few more days in the hopes that you can call your dentist to squeeze you in for an appointment. However, there are a lot of risks that you take if you do not look up dentists open on weekends. For example, you could:

  • Make the Problem Worse: If you delay getting your dental problem looked at by a dental professional, it can quickly become much worse. For example, you might have a toothache and think you can just take painkillers until you see your regular dentist. The longer you wait, the more the cause of the toothache, be it an infection or another problem, is worsening. This means that it is causing more damage and making your oral health increasingly worse.
  • Be Facing Infection: Your mouth is very susceptible to infection. If you experience a dental emergency that involves a cut, abscess, or another fragile situation in your mouth, then you can end up opening up the risk of infection in your mouth. In some serious cases, an untreated infection can spread to the rest of your body.
  • Experience Severe Pain: Unfortunately, many dental emergencies that you might experience can cause a lot of pain in your mouth. While you might think the pain is bearable at first when you choose to put off treatment, you might find that the pain gets increasingly worse and worse, and painkillers are not effective courses of treatment; they only keep the pain at bay.
  • Reshape Your Smile: If you ignore significant changes in your teeth, such as cracked teeth, fractured teeth, lacerations in your mouth, and abscesses, you might find that your teeth and your smile do not have the same look that they did before. These kinds of changes can be avoided if you immediately seek dental treatment from a weekend emergency dentist.
Dental Office Open On Saturday In Issaquah, WA

You should also keep in mind that the dentist you regularly see might not be able to fit you in for an appointment in the near future. So if you wait until Monday to contact your dentist and then you have to face even more time without care, you will have already risked all of the above negative consequences by waiting a few days and will then have to wait more time. To avoid this, it is in your best interest to ask Emergency Dental Service for a dentist near me open on weekends.

How Can an Emergency Dentist Help You?

There are lots of things that an emergency dentist who is open on the weekend can do for you. While the treatment that you receive from your weekend dentist will vary based on what particular emergency you are facing, you will typically find that your dentist:

  • Attempts to Diagnose Your Problem: If you are not sure what is causing your pain, discomfort, or other changes in your mouth, your emergency dentist will prioritize this. Once they can identify the cause of your pain, they will do everything they can to address the problem.
  • Take X-rays: Sometimes, as a part of diagnosing your problem or in understanding the extent of the damage in your mouth, your emergency dentist will take X-rays. This gives them and their team a detailed view of your situation.
  • Prescribe Medication: After reviewing what problem you are facing, your emergency dentist might have you leave with a prescription for a medication. This can be a painkiller or an antibiotic, depending on your situation.
  • Apply a Temporary Fix: Unfortunately, your dental emergency might not be able to be fixed in one quick visit. For instance, if your dental issue requires an in-depth procedure to fix, your emergency dentist might not be able to do it on that day. However, there are often temporary fixes that your dentist can do to relieve your pain in the meantime. They can also advise you on how to care for your teeth while you await the day of your procedure and your recovery.
  • Refer You To a Specialist: Depending on the issue that you are facing, you might need more specialized assistance. For instance, if you need help from a periodontist or a medical professional who specializes in gum health, you will need a referral in order to get an appointment. Your emergency dentist can advise you on how to care for your gums and reduce any pain and discomfort and then give you the referral that you need for your in-depth care.
  • Placing Crowns or Caps: If you have a fractured, cracked, or decaying tooth in your mouth, you are susceptible to dangerous infections. Your emergency dentist can apply a crown or a cap to protect the tooth until you can get a permanent restoration.
  • Fix Your Issue: In some cases, your emergency dentist can fix the issue that you are having the day that you come into their chair. For instance, if you need a wire fixed in your orthodontic appliances or you need another action that can be quickly undertaken, your weekend dentist can leave you healthy and pain-free in no time.

Even if your emergency weekend dentist is not able to provide a complete fix to your dental emergency, seeing a dental professional the day that you experience a problem can help make sure that you take all of the necessary precautions to prevent infections. Your emergency dentist can also help make sure that you are informed about the problem that you are facing and thus put your mind at ease about what is happening.

How Much Do You Have To Pay for Emergency Dental Care?

The fees for attending to your weekend dental emergency are going to vary drastically depending on who your dentist is, what your emergency is like, the amount of treatment you need, and whether or not you have dental insurance to cover part of your treatment. Dental care can, at times, be expensive, but it is important that you remember the longer you put off treatment, the more damage can occur in your mouth and, therefore, the more expensive your care will be overall. The quicker you get in to see a dental professional, the sooner they can nip your problem in the bud and prevent it from escalating to painful, costly heights.

Can You See a Weekend Emergency Dentist Without Dental Insurance?

If you do not have dental insurance, it is still possible for you to seek care from a weekend dentist. Many dentists have pricing structures and flexible payment options that allow you to pay for your care in a method that suits your needs. Here at Emergency Dental Service, we also give you the opportunity to apply for a line of credit that covers your dental needs, regardless of your credit score. Our Emergency Dental Care plan also gives you reduced rates on common dental procedures to help ensure that you get the dental care you need as soon as possible.

Contact Emergency Dental Services Today

Here at Emergency Dental Service, we understand how stressful dental emergencies can be. From the fear of the unknown to the excruciating pain that you are in, there is a lot to take in. Add to that the frustration of your dentist not being open, and it is too much for one person to bear. Instead of handling this stress alone and waiting for your dentist to be available, you should reach out to Emergency Dental Service for help.

Weekend Dentist Open Saturday In Issaquah, WA

When you call us at 1-833-624-1382, we can review your situation and help you find a qualified urgent care dentist in your area. If you have dental insurance, we can also help you determine which dental care providers in your area will meet your insurance. Prefer to do the research yourself? You can take advantage of our online database, which helps you search for a dental provider that meets your needs.