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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Kirkland, WA

Dental emergencies are unfortunate when they come up, but they must be treated promptly and appropriately. No one expects these kinds of emergencies to happen, but there are things you can do to prepare for them. Many dentist offices are closed on the weekends. If you or someone you know has a dental emergency that comes up, you need a weekend emergency dentist.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency could be anything that necessitates immediate treatment. It could be to stop bleeding, address an infection, or relieve pain. Emergencies can range from minor inconveniences to potentially life-threatening situations. It’s always good to call a weekend dentist if you are concerned. Some common examples of dental emergencies include:

  • Severe toothaches. Toothaches that are causing you serious pain could be a sign of a greater injury. It’s important for you to get this checked out as soon as possible. If this pain is abrupt, it could be a further sign that something is wrong with the root or the surrounding gums. Gargling salt water, using a cold compress, or pain relieving medication are some ways to help ease the pain while you search for an emergency dentist.
  • Swelling in the mouth or jaw. Unexplained swelling is a red flag that something is wrong. It could indicate that there’s an infection, an issue with a lymph node, or some other issue that requires immediate attention.
  • Bleeding gums. Bleeding gums could happen for several reasons. One reason is if your teeth aren’t used to flossing, and then you floss for the first time in a while. This could trigger bleeding in the gums. This is relatively normal. However, if your gums are bleeding for unknown reasons, this is not normal, and you need to see a Saturday dentist. You may need immediate emergency dental care, especially if there’s also swelling or pain that accompanies the bleeding.
  • Damaged crown. A dental crown can become cracked or fall out completely. This can expose the tooth to a serious risk of infection or further long-term damage. The sooner you get in to see a dentist open on weekends, the better.
  • A fallen-out tooth. This is absolutely a serious emergency, and you should immediately see a dentist for help. Whether the tooth fell out by force or not, anytime a tooth is lost, it is a serious concern, especially for adults. The American Association of Endodontists estimates that you only have a limited amount of time to bring the tooth to a dentist to have successful replantation.
  • Infection. An infection, if left untreated, can spread and cause further damage. In the most severe cases, these damages can be fatal. Discomfort is usually the first sign of an infection. If the discomfort grows into pain, then you should consider seeking emergency dental care.
  • Cracked or chipped teeth. Any cracks or chips in your teeth will need to be filled. In more serious instances, a tooth extraction procedure or root canal may be needed. Anytime there’s potential damage to a tooth, it could lead to an infection, so it's critical to address the issue promptly.
 Weekend Emergency Dentist

Traumatic Dental Emergencies

A traumatic dental emergency can include tooth fractures, avulsions, and luxations. These kinds of injuries are usually caused by the direct or indirect impact of the dentition or surrounding structure. These can happen from a fall, a sports injury, a traffic accident, or some other form of physical violence. While these emergencies are often caused by similar events, each injury presents its own unique issue.

A physical exam will be needed to discover the appropriate solution. If not addressed correctly, the injury could become a door for bacterial invasion and the development of infectious disease.

Infectious Dental Emergencies

Infectious dental emergencies are much more treatable in their early stages. If left untreated for a long period of time, they could spread into other areas of the body, including the head, neck, brain, or facial sinuses. This could lead to life-threatening infections. As soon as you start to feel signs of an oral infection coming, you should get in to see a dentist immediately. Symptoms of an infection include long or pimple-like spots on your gums, signs of pus in your mouth, swelling, or sensitive spots in your mouth. A fever could also be a sign of infection.

Benefits of an Emergency Dentist

There are several benefits to seeking out emergency dental care.

  • Saving money. Addressing your dental problems now before they spread into further problems saves you money in the long run. Leaving a dental issue untreated could cause the problem to compound into a larger issue that costs you more money.
  • Saving your teeth. Emergency dental care could make a difference in saving your teeth. It could keep them from getting infected or having to be extracted. The quicker you get to a weekend emergency dentist, the better your chances are.
  • Eliminating discomfort. If you are feeling discomfort or pain in your mouth or teeth, a dentist can help relieve this. The quicker you get the issue addressed, the quicker your pain may subside.
  • Preventing further problems. Getting your issue treated can help reduce the chances of any further problems happening. Leaving a dental issue untreated could just lead to further problems.
  • Protecting your health. Whether it’s an infection, a toothache, or some other emergency, getting it addressed quickly is good for your health.
Dental Offices Open On Saturday

Preventing a Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies are never fun. There are certain things that can be done to help prevent an emergency from happening.

Maintain Oral Care At Home

Oral care starts at home. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing consistently are great ways to preserve oral care. Electric toothbrushes can be great to use because of their built-in timers. If you use a manual toothbrush, keeping a small timer in the bathroom can help to ensure you brush long enough.

Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

Every couple of months, you should replace your toothbrush with a new one. Toothbrushes become worn out or splayed, which can limit their effectiveness.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Frequently snacking on foods high in sugar increases the acidity in your mouth. The naturally present acids in your mouth will use this sugar for energy, which produces a weak acid. This acid can attack your tooth enamel. This weakens your teeth because it removes the minerals that are needed. Repeated amounts of sugar intake can cause damage to your teeth, resulting in cavities. One helpful tip is to include sugary treats with your main meal instead of snacking on them by themselves. This helps reduce the amount of time your mouth has to deal with the acids.

Stay Hydrated

Although it may seem elementary, staying hydrated can be a great way to help combat dental emergencies. However, lots of people fail to drink enough water on a daily basis. Your body needs water to produce the necessary saliva to maintain your proper oral health. Saliva helps your mouth keep its neutral pH and wash away any excess food particles, bacteria, and old skin cells. Saliva also helps protect your teeth from decay.

Wear Protective Gear When Playing a Sport

If you are active in sports such as football, basketball, or any other contact sport, it would be wise to wear a mouthguard that secures your teeth. Every year, there are countless injuries to adults and children alike related to sports-inflicted oral injuries. You could take an intended punch, elbow, forearm, or hit to the jaw, which could loosen your teeth. Wearing a mouthguard could make a difference in keeping all your teeth and avoiding having to get emergency dental care. A custom-made mouthguard could be a comfortable, affordable, and appropriate solution for protecting your teeth.

Avoid Chewing Other Things

Many people have other oral fixations like chewing on pen caps or bottle caps, biting their nails, or chewing on other things that aren’t food. These are bad habits that can be damaging to your oral health. Breaking these habits is necessary and can help reduce the chances of an unfortunate emergency happening.

Choosing the Right Dentist

When deciding on which dentist to go to, you should first consider the dentist’s reputation. Check client reviews and feedback, which you can find online. Find out if customers are happy about their outcomes or if there are any complaints. Customer reviews can give you a really good idea of what to expect from your visit, and they speak to the reputation of the dental practice. Another factor is accessibility. You need a dentist with Saturday hours.

The facility and level of care is another important thing to consider. A good dentist will be using the latest dental equipment and technology suited to care for your emergency. Dentists should also prioritize sanitation. Inquiring about the dental office’s quality of care may be necessary.

Two final things to consider are proximity and affordability. A dentist's office that’s closer to you is obviously a plus. This will save you valuable time, especially if your dental emergency is time-sensitive. You don’t want to risk having to speed down the highway to get to a dental office that’s far away. This only increases the risks for everyone involved. Finally, a dental office that is budget-friendly is ideal. Many people opt to delay their dental procedures because of the costs.

Wisdom Teeth Issues

Wisdom teeth are final molars that usually erupt during someone’s early twenties or late teens. They can cause discomfort for people. Some may experience complications that include shifting or crowding. A tooth extraction is often the necessary procedure needed to alleviate this pain and stop it from wreaking havoc on your other existing teeth.

Abscessed Teeth or Gums

Abscessed teeth or gums happen when bacteria invade the dental pulp. This is the part of the mouth that contains the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels. Infections here can spread to the root, causing severe pain, foul odor, and inflammation. Infections can quickly turn into abscesses. This would be noticeable at the surface of the gum. A root canal may be necessary to eliminate the cause and drain out the infection. Speak with a dentist immediately if you are having this problem.

Dislodged Crown

A dislodged filling or crown will almost certainly lead to some serious pain because of the tooth’s inner layer being exposed. It would be wise to avoid hot or cold food and beverages. This can help reduce sensitivity. If bacteria also invade the tooth, it can compound the problem, leading to even more pain. You need to get this checked out immediately. These kinds of emergencies can quickly get worse if not treated.

Understanding the Costs

When you’re dealing with a dental emergency, your most immediate thought may be to find a way to address the pain you're in. This is natural; however, you may also be wondering about the costs of emergency treatment. The costs of the care will largely depend on the kind of treatment you need. There are a lot of other factors to consider, such as the dentist's location and experience level.

This means you may not have an accurate assessment of the total costs until you get evaluated. A dentist will always let you know what the costs are before getting treatment, but until you get evaluated, it's difficult to determine what the final costs will be. Remember, when it comes to dental care, you often get what you pay for, so going with a quality dentist is worth it.

Booking an Emergency Dental Visit

Finding a weekend dentist in Kirkland, WA, is easier if you use Emergency Dental Service. Our team can help you find a dentist available in your area who can see you over the weekend. Remember, if you have an emergency, you shouldn’t wait until the week. This may not be an option, especially if you are suffering from pain.

If a dental emergency comes up, don’t wait. Schedule an emergency dental service today using our search tool or by calling 1-833-624-1382. Dental emergencies can be time-sensitive matters, so the quicker you act, the better your chances of successfully addressing the issue are.