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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Levittown, PA

If you are facing a dental emergency near Levittown, PA, the dentistry team at Esthetic Dental recognizes how distressing this can be. Our dentists are committed to making sure that you get the adequate care you need to address your conditions, regardless of the time of day or the day of the week. Therefore, we are proud to be a part of a strong, selective network of emergency dentists available on the weekend through Emergency Dental Service.

Through Emergency Dental Service, a professional can connect you to the emergency care that you need to treat your condition, provided by Esthetic Dental or another trusted dentist near you. Whether you are experiencing a post-surgical complication, a severe toothache, or if you have had a tooth broken or knocked out, we realize that such conditions do not just stop occurring outside of regular office hours. We are therefore committed to providing quality emergency services.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

Helping Patients Reach an Emergency Dentist, Open on Sunday near Levittown, PA

Finding dentists open on weekends or a dentist office open on Saturdays near Levittown, PA, can seem like a nearly impossible task. You may be tempted to ask loved ones, such as family members and close friends, about experiences they have had in the past with emergency dental services in the area and if they have any suggestions for how you can get emergency dental treatment. Other options include reaching out to communities online for suggestions through email, NextDoor, Facebook groups, Instagram stories, and more.

While reaching out to social circles far and wide can be a robust strategy for finding a dentist that works for you within a time span of days or weeks, this timeline is not compatible with the urgency of a dental emergency. By calling Emergency Dental Service directly at 1-833-624-1382 or using their provider service page, you can immediately tap into their network of skilled and compassionate dental professionals who are readily available to fix your emergency. This network of dentists is carefully chosen based on knowledge, skills, and reputation in the community.

Weekend Dentist Open Saturday In Levittown, PA

Services for Dental Emergencies in Levittown, PA

Dental emergency services can range from treating minor injuries, such as minor chipping of the tooth, to serious, debilitating toothaches. Fortunately, Emergency Dental Service can help you find a dentist near me open on Sunday to provide you with the particular services that are relevant to your case. The dental professionals at Esthetic Dental and other professionals in the Emergency Dental Service network can work to get you comprehensive treatment for the following dental emergencies:

  • Toothaches. Toothaches can be painful and extremely distressing, as they can prevent you from carrying out critical tasks needed to maintain your livelihood. Severe toothaches, if not prevented, can result in further complications, as they are generally caused by underlying conditions, such as infections or bone or gum decay.
  • Chipped or Broken Teeth. A tooth can become chipped or broken from impact during a collision or due to applied force, such as by biting a hard object. Chips are generally more minor than broken teeth; however, both conditions must be treated immediately in order to optimize the chances of successfully binding the teeth back together.
  • Broken Crowns or Fillings. Fillings or crowns are permanent dental solutions implemented to hold teeth together, maintaining their look and function. Therefore, if a crown or filling breaks or falls out, it’s important to get this fixed as soon as possible to avoid further damage or infection and restore functionality.
  • Knocked Out Tooth. Accidents that cause blunt force to the mouth can knock one or more teeth out of the mouth. Such an emergency is extremely time-sensitive, as the likelihood of successful reattachment of the tooth permanently back into the mouth falls drastically after the first post-accident hour.
  • Dental Abscess. Dental abscesses are painful pockets of pus that can be found in places such as between the teeth and near the roots of a tooth, which are caused by a bacterial infection. An emergency dentist may treat an abscess by providing antibiotics, draining the abscess, performing a root canal, extracting the tooth, or providing a comprehensive mix of strategies for the respective treatment plan.
  • Post-Surgical Complications. Emergency complications such as severe pain, heavy bleeding, intense inflammation or swelling, and other alarming symptoms can occur as the result of complications after surgery. An emergency dentist can diagnose the underlying cause, such as dry socket or an infection, and provide optimal subsequent treatment.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency in Levittown, PA, you do not have to wait until regular office hours to receive the treatment that you desperately need. Certain dental emergencies, such as knocked out teeth must be treated within hours to yield ideal treatment outcomes that do not require additional surgery.

By getting the dental treatment that you need now, you can avoid further complications that could lead to more pain and greater dental care costs down the line. A dedicated member from the team of professionals at Emergency Dental Service is available 24/7 to get you linked to the care that you deserve during weekends and holidays. Therefore, there is no need to wait to schedule your same day appointment.

What Does a Levittown, PA Emergency Care Dentist Do?

A dentist providing emergency services in Levittown, PA, carries out the diagnosis and treatment of urgent dental conditions. Such dental care service providers are typically on call to be available during after hours or during weekends or holidays. Usually, emergency care dentists are part of a network that requires them to be on call for certain periods of time, and this is organized in such a way that if a patient calls with an emergency, there will always be an emergency dentist who is on call to address the emergency.

Emergency care dentists can diagnose and treat minor emergency conditions and symptoms, such as broken orthodontic appliances or chipped teeth, as well as more severe emergencies, including knocked out and broken teeth. They can help manage symptoms such as pain, inflammation, swelling, and bleeding. They may prescribe certain painkillers or antibiotics, carry out surgical procedures, and provide advice about further care to manage these symptoms, such as possibly applying a cool compress to the affected area.

Dentists who work to address dental emergencies can also fix crowns and fillings, extract teeth, perform root canals, drain abscesses, bond teeth back together and reattach knocked out teeth through certain procedures. In the case that they are not able to provide the necessary treatment, they can refer the patient to the right specialist, while implementing temporary solutions and assisting with symptom management.

Dental Office Open On Saturday In Levittown, PA

How Can I Prevent a Levittown Dental Emergency from Happening?

Dental emergencies such as severe toothaches and broken crowns and fillings can be painful and distressing, therefore, it is important to take adequate steps to try to avoid them from happening. From preventative care to follow the counsel of trusted dental care providers to wearing protective gear during risky activities, you can decrease your chances of developing a dental emergency. Certain steps you can take you prevent having a dental emergency include:

  • Visiting The Dentist Regularly. It is recommended to see your dentist at least once every six months so that they can treat and prevent any minor conditions from developing into an emergency situation.
  • Wearing Protective Gear. If you engage in contact sports, such as rugby or boxing, it is important to wear a mouth guard, so that your teeth will be protected in the case of high impact collisions. Even if you are unsure if it is necessary to wear a mouth guard, it is better to do so than not.
  • Engaging in Regular Dental Hygiene Practices. Follow your dentist’s advice regarding brushing and flossing, and pay particular attention to problem areas that they have identified. By staying on top of your dental hygiene, you can help reduce your likelihood of developing cavities or other critical dental conditions that could lead to an emergency.
  • Following Pre- and Post-Op Instructions. You should carefully read and adhere to the instructions that are given to you before you undergo a dental operation. By purchasing your medications and other helpful resources before your surgery, you can smoothly transition into the post-op protocol in order to avoid complications leading to emergencies.

While it is critical to follow recommended steps to prevent a dental emergency, this, unfortunately, does not guarantee that a patient is immune to experiencing one. If you are having a medical emergency in Levittown, PA, a representative from Emergency Dental Service can help you find an emergency dental professional to help your smile shine bright again.

What if I Knocked out My Tooth, and It Is Saturday?

If you have experienced an accident that caused your entire tooth to get knocked out of your mouth, then you are likely experiencing emotional shock and physical pain. In order to increase the likelihood of saving your tooth and having successful dental outcomes, it is recommended to adhere to the following steps:

  • Have a Loved One Call Emergency Dental Service For You. By getting in touch with Emergency Dental Services by calling 1-833-624-1382 or using the provider service page, you can get a same-day appointment with a dentist at Esthetic Dental or another nearby office for your dental emergency. You can also schedule the appointment yourself, but you may be busy trying to make sense of the situation and carry out other necessary steps of care.
  • Take a Deep Breath. A traumatic blow to the face can be emotionally shocking. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that you bring your heart rate down so that you are not in fight-or-flight mode. Knowing that emergency dental care is near you in Levittown can help provide you with peace of mind. Keeping a state of calm can help you address the situation rationally and with a clear mind.
  • Rinse Your Mouth and Tooth. While you are waiting on your emergency dental appointment there are some immediate steps you should take, including gently rinsing your mouth with saline solution to get rid of debris. Handle your tooth by grabbing the crown, or the part that is normally visible in your mouth. Gently rinse it using milk or saline solution. Do not use water, chemicals or soap, as this can damage the cells located at the roots.
  • Insert Your Tooth Back. If possible, you should put your tooth back into the slot where it was in your mouth so that you can preserve the roots. Grabbing the tooth by the crown, gently move it back up into the socket until it is fully inserted. Then, bite down on a sterile piece of gauze to keep it in place until your appointment with a Levittown emergency dentist.
  • Store Your Tooth Carefully. If you cannot successfully place your tooth back in your mouth or do not feel comfortable doing so, it is important to store it in milk or your own saliva in order to preserve the cells needed to facilitate successful implantation back into your mouth. As stated before, it is critical not to expose the tooth to water, soap, or chemicals.
  • Get To Your Emergency Appointment. Attend your emergency appointment schedule through Emergency Dental Service so that you can receive time-sensitive, critical dental treatment needed to have successful outcomes.

Knocked-out teeth injuries must be treated within hours, not days. Knocked-out teeth that are treated within half an hour of the accident have a much higher likelihood of leading to successful reattachment. Fortunately, through Emergency Dental Service, you can receive the quality treatment you need at the time that you need it, increasing your chances of saving your tooth and avoiding other costly procedures such as a root canal down the line.

Schedule Your Emergency Levittown, PA Dental Appointment Today

If you are facing a dental emergency in Levittown, PA, or the surrounding areas and cannot get an appointment with a regular dentist due to weekend closures or scheduling backlogs, then our compassionate dental emergency team can help take care of any dental challenges you may be facing. Don’t wait; schedule an appointment with a local emergency dentist from our dedicated team today by using our provider service page or by calling 1-833-624-1382