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Helping Patients Find Weekend Emergency Dentists near Louisville, KY

Emergencies can almost never be planned for. They seem to often pop up out of nowhere at the absolute worst times. When it comes to dental emergencies, it can be difficult to find a dentist who is available if your emergency did not happen during typical working business hours. In a case like this, you probably want to find an emergency dentist, someone who is available after hours and on weekends and holidays.

At Emergency Dental Service, our team works hard to connect patients who need emergency help with emergency dentists who are experienced, compassionate, and ready to tackle your dental problem, particularly emergency dentists open on weekends. It can be overwhelming when you are in pain to seek out and find the right dentist to help. So, we have gone ahead and done that for you. If you are near Los Angeles, CA, and are in need of emergency dental care, we have got you covered.

Depending on your situation, it is possible that you could be seen by an emergency dentist immediately, or at least on the same day that you make the call. This includes Saturdays and Sundays, after-hours, and even holidays. Emergency dentists work to make themselves available during times when your general dentist is not available, specifically for emergency situations when you need help and are unable to get it from the usual place you would.

For patients that are looking for an emergency dentist with no insurance or extra cash/credit to pay for their dental emergency, EDS now offers multiple financing options to help cover unexpected dental expenses. Get an Instant approval (all credit levels accepted): click here to apply for a Dental Emergency Line Of Credit.

To schedule a same-day appointment, simply call 1-833-624-1382, enter your zip code, and our patient support team will help you find a dentist immediately.

When Should I Reach Out to a Weekend Dentist?

Weekend dentists, also known as emergency dentists, work specifically during times when general dentists will most likely not be available. This may include weekends, after-hours on normal business days, holidays, and other times. Many weekend dentists are practicing general dentists or previous general dentists who have acquired the skills and expertise needed to serve in emergency dental situations. They have chosen to give their time to helping patients who are in dire emergency situations.

For this reason, you should only reach out to an emergency dentist during a real emergency. If you are not sure whether or not your situation is an emergency, it can sometimes be helpful to call an emergency dentist and explain your situation. They can usually help you determine if your problem should be assessed and treated right away or if you should treat it at home while waiting for your general dentist to be available.

 Weekend Emergency Dentist

There are, however, certain situations that are almost always considered to be emergencies. Some of these include :

  • Traumatic injuries. This is a broad category and can include anything from having a tooth knocked out during some kind of physical activity to having an abscessed tooth. A traumatic dental injury is caused by some sort of outside impact, whether it be direct or indirect, and can be extremely painful. Sometimes, patients who have experienced such trauma go into shock. Some of the causes could include falling, vehicle accidents or collisions, sports injuries, and even physical violence.
  • Infections. Most dental infections can be recognized and treated at an early stage before they turn into emergency situations. However, if they are ignored and left untreated, dental infections can become increasingly serious. The bacteria that builds up in the mouth due to an oral infection can even spread into other parts of the body. If the infection has been left untreated for long enough, the pain and discomfort caused by it can warrant a trip to the emergency dentist.
  • Emergencies occur after oral surgery. Sometimes, even after a minor oral surgery, such as the extraction of a tooth, bleeding seems difficult or impossible to stop. Although normally, patients stop bleeding within the first day after surgery, sometimes the bleeding continues. In cases like these, it can be helpful to visit an emergency dentist so that proper care can be administered before too much blood is lost or an infection sets in.

Can I Wait Until My General Dentist Is Available?

Sometimes, even when a large amount of pain is present, patients want to wait until their general dentist is available. This may be because they are comfortable with their dentist and would prefer to have them specifically assess their situation. This may also be because the patient does not want to pay extra for a weekend dentist if that is the circumstances in their case. It may also be because they are hoping the pain will subside and go away completely, rendering a trip to the dentist completely unnecessary.

If you are experiencing any kind of tooth or gum pain that is persistent, it is important to have a dentist assess the situation. Tooth and mouth pain does not typically go away on its own and is usually related to some kind of underlying issue. Whether this is a cavity, a chipped tooth, an infection, or something else, the problem will not simply go away. Prolonging a trip to the dentist will most likely only cost you more money and pain down the road.

There are, however, some things you may be able to do to ease your pain while you wait to be seen by either an emergency dentist or your general dentist. These include:

  • Taking pain relievers. Over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and others can help temporarily relieve some of the pain you may be feeling because of a cavity or oral infection. These will not take care of the pain long term, but they can help provide some relief until you are able to get help from a dentist that will last.
  • Rinsing your mouth with salt water. In some cases, this technique has been said to help with mouth pain. Rinsing with salt water can help dislodge food from cramped spaces in between your teeth, such as teeth that have cavities.
  • Pain numbing gels. These exist specifically for people who are experiencing mouth pain and need a little bit of temporary relief. By applying the gel to your hurting gums and teeth, you can numb the area for a short amount of time and get a few moments of pain-free time.
  • Apply a cold or warm compress. In cases in which your mouth is swollen due to infection or traumatic injury, applying something cold or warm may ease some of the pain. It may also take down some of the swelling, which could also be helpful for when you get to the dentist.
Dental Offices Open On Saturday

It should be noted that while all of these at-home remedies may provide some temporary relief, they are not meant to take the place of a visit to the dentist. Tooth and mouth pain should be taken seriously, and it is important that you consult an experienced dentist as soon as possible to find the root cause of your pain before it gets worse.

Assessing the Cause of Your Dental Pain

When tooth or gum pain comes out of nowhere, it can leave you wondering what you did wrong. Sometimes, even when we brush, floss, use mouthwash, and do all of the other things we are supposed to do to maintain our oral hygiene, dental emergencies still happen. If you are experiencing tooth or gum pain, there are a plethora of underlying issues that could be the cause.

One of the most common causes of tooth pain is a cavity. This happens when a tooth begins to decay because of a small hole that has been created in the tooth. This is sometimes due to eating too much sugar and/or having less than adequate oral hygiene. If a cavity is ignored for some time, it can begin to erode and become very painful.

A cracked tooth is another somewhat typical cause of tooth pain. Some people crack a tooth without realizing it at the moment but become aware of the pain later down the road. A cracked tooth can be the result of an injury, grinding your teeth, or simply getting older. If your tooth is cracked severely enough, you may need to see an emergency dentist.

Infections are another somewhat common cause of mouth pain. This usually refers to a buildup of bacteria in the gums and on the teeth. Someone with an oral infection may experience swollen gums, bleeding gums, and pain around the area of the infection. If it is not taken care of, a simple infection can turn into gum disease.

Dental Issues That Are Not Quite Emergencies

Not all dental pain is caused by a problem that should be considered an emergency. Some things can wait until Monday or until the holiday is over and can easily be treated by your general dentist. Some of these include:

  • A minor toothache. Sometimes, the beginnings of a cavity will cause pain in or around the tooth that is uncomfortable but bearable. This can sometimes be helped with pain medication until you are able to see your general dentist.
  • Broken braces. Unless the braces are puncturing some part of the mouth or are causing intense pain, this type of injury can usually wait to be treated by your orthodontist.
  • A small crack in the tooth. If you chipped your tooth but it is not unbearably painful, this can usually wait to be seen by your general dentist.
  • An object lodged between your teeth. This can be greatly annoying but may not warrant a visit to the emergency dentist. If you are unable to get it out with floss, your general dentist should be able to do so when they are next available.

How Soon Can I Be Seen by an Emergency Dentist?

Emergency dentists work specifically during times when general dentists are not available to help, meaning that they do not typically schedule appointments. They work in an on-call type of situation where they are able to help someone when the need arises. Because of this, you may be able to be seen by an emergency dentist right away after calling them, especially if they have no other patients at the moment.

 Weekend Emergency Dentist

There may be some cases in which the emergency dentist you contact currently has another patient that they are treating. In cases like these, you would most likely be put next on the list and would be able to be seen shortly after the dentist is done treating that patient. Typically, the time someone would have to wait to see an emergency dentist is manageable.

Is an Emergency Dentist Expensive?

An emergency dentist, just like a general dentist, will have varying costs depending on their geographic location, the services they are providing, their level of experience, and other factors. There is no one price that fits all. In some cases, your insurance may help cover the cost of an emergency dental visit.

The treatment that your situation requires will influence the price you pay. In some cases, such as in traumatic injury, where you may require an x-ray or more intense help, your cost may be greater than if you simply need some antibiotics to get rid of an infection. Either way, choosing to see a dentist sooner rather than later will prove to be more cost-effective in the end.

Contact Emergency Dental Service To Get Connected To Help Today

There are many options for emergency dentists in Louisville, KY, almost so many that it can be overwhelming. If you have found yourself in the middle of a dental emergency, you do not have to spend time and energy trying to figure out which is the best emergency dentist for you and closest to you. You can simply go to our provider search page, enter your information, and allow us to find the best option for your specific situation. We are also available by phone; you can call our offices any time at 1-833-624-1382.

Do not put off seeing an emergency dentist if you are in pain. No matter the expenses or the time it takes to get your problem resolved, you will be glad you did it sooner rather than later. Allow us to help you get connected to a dentist who is open on Saturdays, Sundays, and at other times when your general dentist is not. Our team at Emergency Dental Services is equipped and ready to help those in Louisville, KY, in their time of need.