27 September 2018
ask the dentist
Patient's Concern
I'm a 31 year old healthy male and I had 4 wisdom teeth extracted 8 hours ago. 3 of the sites have small blood clots over the socket. The 4th tooth (upper left) has a large hanging blood clot about 1 1/2 inches. Can I wipe away this large clot? Or will that disrupt the healing process that has already started at the gum?
I am worried that if I wipe it away, I will increase chances of dry socket. I worry that if I leave it, it may be dislodged easily in my sleep.
Will this excess blood clot hanging down fall off naturally when it’s supposed to if I leave it be?
EDS Dentist Response
Thank you for the question. My advice would be not to remove the clot, as this can cause bleeding complications which can result in a delay in the healing process.
Follow up with your dentist if the problem does not take care of it's self over the next few days.
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