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Urgent Dental Care in Charlotte - James Lemmons

Emergency Dentist 24/7 Charlotte, NC

Lemmons Dental Associates

Dr. James Lemmons

330 Billingsley Road, Suite 204
Charlotte, NC 28211


24/7 Patient care team available by phone. Call to schedule an emergency appointment within 24 hours.

Payment Options

Cash, Care Credit

Accepted Insurance


Services & Treatments Offered

Extractions (routine, surgical and wisdom teeth), I.V. Sedation, Root Canal Treatment , Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry


24/7 Patient care team available by phone. Call to schedule an emergency appointment within 24 hours.

Payment Options

Cash, Care Credit

Accepted Insurance


Doctor Bio

Dr. Lemmons graduated from The University of Alabama with a B.S. in Microbiology; afterwards, he attended The University of North Carolina School of Dentistry where he received his D.D.S. His accomplishments include earning a Fellowship in The Academy of General Dentistry, completing a mini-residency in IV Sedation at Medical College of Georgia, and successfully completing the American Academy of Implant Dentistry Maxi-course in implant surgery and restoration, at Medical College of Georgia. Dr. Lemmons currently serves as an I.V. Sedation examiner for the North Carolina dental board.

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Emergency Dentist in Charlotte, North Carolina

So, you’ve recently developed a dental emergency when you least expected it. Your schedule is busy, and it will be difficult to find time for treatment. However, the longer you put off emergency dental care, the more severe the issue can become.

Don’t live your life in pain, whether it’s due to a serious toothache, jaw soreness or swelling, or even a cracked tooth. When it comes to dental emergencies, it’s crucial that patients can access quick or even same-day service. Dr. James Lemmons and the skilled team at Lemmons Dental Associates provides emergency dental care in Charlotte, NC.

To learn more about the emergency services we offer, take a look at our website. Then, call (704) 612 - 5572 as soon as possible to speak with our care team and schedule an emergency dental appointment.

Emergency Dental Care for All

Lemmons Dental Associates offers superior emergency care to anyone who needs it, whether or not they’ve previously visited our office. New patients will be treated with the same warmth and compassionate care as those we’ve known for years. Our doors are open to everyone, and that’s our promise to you.

When you encounter an emergency dental issue, your provider’s objective should be to find a permanent solution. The skilled providers at Lemmons Dental team don’t want to see your emergency re-emerge at any point in the future. We also want to develop lasting bonds with each of our patients, no matter who they are or why they’re coming to us for care. Our team values dentist-patient relationships and strives serve as your long-term care provider.

If you’re interested in the emergency services offered by Dr. Lemmons and Lemmons Dental Associates contact our office today.

Our Emergency Dental Services

Emergency dentistry isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Dental emergencies come in a range of forms, each requiring a different approach to treatment. At Lemmons Dental Associates, we proudly provide Charlotte residents with a variety of emergency services, including:

Lemmons Dental wants each of our patients to relax and remain comfortable while we provide them with care. We offer I.V. sedation for our patients who prefer to relax during their emergency dental procedure. If you would like to receive I.V. sedation during your emergency procedure, don’t hesitate to ask.

Are Dental Emergencies Preventable?

The simple answer is that, yes, some dental emergencies are preventable. On occasion, of course, a serious dental problem can’t be avoided, even when the patient takes important precautions—especially in cases of oral trauma. Other times, however, prevention can be an effective way to avoid dental emergencies.

Build healthy habits regarding how you care for your teeth on a day-to-day basis, including brushing and flossing after meals. Similarly, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lemmons and Lemmons Dental Associates every six months for a routine checkup. When you receive regular cleanings with a dentist, it’s possible for dental problems to be caught and treated before they become emergencies.

High-impact and high-risk activities, such as contact sports, can also put teeth at risk. If you choose to participate, take key precautions to protect your teeth, like investing in a custom-fit mouth guard. Should you receive a blow to the face, jaw, or mouth, having a guard in place can protect your teeth from serious damage.

Visit Lemmons Dental Associates for Emergency Care

If you’ve encountered a dental emergency in Charlotte, North Carolina, contact Lemmons Dental Associates by calling (704) 612 - 5572 Dr. James Lemmons and staff provide unparalleled care to local residents experiencing a wide range of dental emergencies.


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