24/7 Patient care team available by phone. Call to schedule an emergency appointment within 24 hours.
Cash, check, credit card
Cash only fee for service, Advantage Dental Plan, Advantica, Aetna, Aflac, Allstate Benefits, American Dental Network, AIG, American Trust Admins, Ameritas (Brokers National First Ameritas), Assurant Health, ATRIO Health Plans, Avesis, BenefitSource (DentalSource), BEST Life & Health Ins. Co., Blue Cross Blue Shield, Careington, CarePlus Dental, Cigna, CompBenefits (CompDent), CHP, Dearborn National, DeCare Dental, Delta Dental, Dental Care Plus Group, Dental Health Alliance, Dental Select, DentaQuest, Dentegra Ins. Co., DenteMax, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, EMI Health, EBS-RMSCO, First Choice Health, FCL Dental, First Health, Geisinger Health Plan, Golden West Dental, GEHA, Guardian (First Commonwealth), Health Economics Group, Health Resources, Inc., HealthChoice, Humana, Independent Health Assoc., JJ Stanis & Co., Kaiser Permanente, KPS Health Plans, LifeWise Health Plan, LFG (LNFIC), Maverest Dental Network, Medico Ins. Co., MetLife, Mutual of Omaha, New England Dental Admins., NLI, Nova, OCCM, OneNet, Pacific Health Alliance, Parkview Total Care, Physicians Mutual, Premier Dental Group, Principal Financial Group, Protective, QualCare, Renaissance Dental, Rocky Mountain Health Plan, SecureCare Dental, Security Life Ins. Co., SelectHealth, Solstice Benefits, Starmount Life Ins. Co., Sun Life Financial, TAAN (ML), UMR, UniCare, United Concordia Dental, UnitedHealthcare, Universal American
Everything except retreats
24/7 Patient care team available by phone. Call to schedule an emergency appointment within 24 hours.
Cash, check, credit card
Cash only fee for service, Advantage Dental Plan, Advantica, Aetna, Aflac, Allstate Benefits, American Dental Network, AIG, American Trust Admins, Ameritas (Brokers National First Ameritas), Assurant Health, ATRIO Health Plans, Avesis, BenefitSource (DentalSource), BEST Life & Health Ins. Co., Blue Cross Blue Shield, Careington, CarePlus Dental, Cigna, CompBenefits (CompDent), CHP, Dearborn National, DeCare Dental, Delta Dental, Dental Care Plus Group, Dental Health Alliance, Dental Select, DentaQuest, Dentegra Ins. Co., DenteMax, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, EMI Health, EBS-RMSCO, First Choice Health, FCL Dental, First Health, Geisinger Health Plan, Golden West Dental, GEHA, Guardian (First Commonwealth), Health Economics Group, Health Resources, Inc., HealthChoice, Humana, Independent Health Assoc., JJ Stanis & Co., Kaiser Permanente, KPS Health Plans, LifeWise Health Plan, LFG (LNFIC), Maverest Dental Network, Medico Ins. Co., MetLife, Mutual of Omaha, New England Dental Admins., NLI, Nova, OCCM, OneNet, Pacific Health Alliance, Parkview Total Care, Physicians Mutual, Premier Dental Group, Principal Financial Group, Protective, QualCare, Renaissance Dental, Rocky Mountain Health Plan, SecureCare Dental, Security Life Ins. Co., SelectHealth, Solstice Benefits, Starmount Life Ins. Co., Sun Life Financial, TAAN (ML), UMR, UniCare, United Concordia Dental, UnitedHealthcare, Universal American
My undergraduate degree was received at Wichita State University. I then enrolled at Oregon Health & Science University, where I was awarded my Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). Dentistry is rapidly evolving with the advancement of technology, materials, and techniques. What we thought was impossible in the past is now becoming more possible through understanding and learning. My patients trust me to provide the best experience and results; and continuing education allows me to keep up with the latest and greatest to exceed their expectations. I regularly attend high quality seminars, conferences, and lectures both locally and nationally. I have earned three fellowships from reputable dental organizations that required a certain amount of hours, frequent testing, and a lifetime commitment to learning.